Executive Director
NURTURING the mind while still young. Child development and values formation made enjoyable and interesting to kids with colouring, reading, drawing, writing, reasoning and storytelling activities.
Through the printing of this educational material the Commuter Foundation aims
to share vision and values that educate and inform children
South Africa was placed last out of 50 countries in the Progress in International
Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) which included nearly 320‚000 children globally.
Research confirms that addressing the early childhood development needs of those
aged 0–4 years pays significant dividends. South Africa has, in this regard, made
comprehensive early childhood development (ECD) programmes a very important
educational priority.
The ECD programmes are offered at day-care centres, crèches, playgroups, nursery
schools and in pre-primary schools. At the time of the survey, 33% of the 0–4-yearolds attended these kinds of institutions.